It has been a revealing post-COVID for me and the bucket list of self-achievements. The budget need of funding a vaccine and test has had a downside of not an enough people and funding to restart certain optimal ideals. Since the dawn of COVID, I have succeded in achieving one of four major life goals I have wanted for myself — admission into a PhD Program. Paired with the opportunity to travel among the European Union, I was grounded by my ongoing quest for financial security. It is touching to know my commitment to non-profits as my industry ensured several needs of the pragmatic adult- a relationship with a budget for an all, the annual expectations of retail created and the direct mailing campaigns I was allowed to opt out of, the opportunity to be financially solvent remains harrowing to any generation with a credit advance as a part of their base.
I do not know why ensuring a friend made me happier. Having the saturation of someone that will listen to me complete a thought was rare and the longing point than a friend. I knew friendship as a platform to obtain an optimal than the platform to conquer the optimized- a romantic relationship with a financially solvent partner that has the boons of being widely needed or saught after. I do not complain about being a fan of a popularized group or artist, that is the happy place I have not been able to revisit the past year- the concert hall. To witness other fans screaming to the top of their lungs or wearing a cadre of elements that inspire joy upon glance, I grow content with the opening of other events being presented in open aired parks and the use of tents as a happy neutral to enjoy brisk breezes over central air.
I do not regret choosing to work in a grant-funded role. My entrance into nonprofits ensured the realization of a do what you can that mirrors the adages of certain surgeons plagued with a time-sensitive need to remove a tumor. Knowing the establishment of the in case of emergency homeless bed being plagued with an immediate gratification consumer, I hoped the rigors of a job search would render the knowledge of homeless aids moot. It doesn’t. COVID and the reliance on freelancers and tip jar employment have eliminated key functions that would permit homeless aid to reside in parts of the county- the end of something fun/ded. To be solvent enough to procure the homeless bed, the assurances of my upbringing do not match the understandings obtained in college dorm preparations and working among a need to spend upon the self campaigns. Keeping a place to initiate aid makes this better.
I can not be happier knowing that my personal goals have let me reflect on the showcase of homeless needs beyond the late-night adverts of some village that chose an Amish equate to the evolution of society's needs. There is a comfort in knowing that the toilet would not have the same understanding across the globe period. Being able to preserve a veneer of self through online platforms has also helped in the cries of help when the survival need of want prevents that from being answered. I am still seeking a job that will ensure I can keep access to the Western toilet during my looming travels. That desire has not left me the way the end of a paycheck has during my adulthood trajectories. I just know that looking at my ability to earn has similar obstacles in place that are not based on my looks or personal gains.
Until the next interview.